Vitamin C
Studies show that, those patients who consume less than the recommended daily dose of Vitamin C (60mg) are more likely to develop severe gingivitis, that is to say, inflamation and infection of the tisssues that support our teeth.
“The relationship between gum disease and vitamin C could be due to the role that Vitamin C plays in the maintenance and reparation of the healthy connective tissue, along with its antioxidant properties “- Michael P. Rethman, president of the Amecrican Academy of Periodontology.
Vitamin C strengthens your gums and the soft tissue in the mouth. It can prevent gingivitis, the preliminary stage of gum disease and could prevent the loosening of teeth.
It has been proven that the lack of this vitamin can cause bleeding gums, problems with the healing process, weakening of dental enamel and gingivitis. Its presence favours the growth and repair of tissues.that is why it needs to be included in our diet.
Oranges, lemons, grapefruits, mandarinas, kiwis,fresh soya, tomatoes, green pepper, lettuce, potato, cauliflower, red pepper, parsley, blackcurrant, brocolli, watercress or papaya are some of the food aliments rich in this vitamin.
Vitamin D
Everyone knows about the benefits of Vitamin D to our body. Vitamin D also known as the Sun Vitamin , as it is produced only when in contact with the sun. Its function is to help our body absorb calcium, a fundamental element for maintaining healthy bones.
Now, an investigation published in the Journal of Periodontology, lays out the benefits of Vitamin D for our teeth. The study shows that this vitamin helps us sustain our deficiencies in lost bone and offset the increase in inflamation. These two concepts directly affect our teeth, especially the inflamation, which is one of the most common causes of gum diseases.
The experts who have participated in the study, recommend that we should take in the sun at least twice a week for 10 to 15 minutes, that way we can produce adequate levels of vitamin D naturally.
“Periodontal disease increases the production of cytokines, but it has also been shown that Vitamin D can eliminate its production and therefore possibly reduce the risk of gum disease. “- Dr. Charles Hildebolt, Departament of Radiology University of Washington School of Medicine St. Louis, Missouri.
This vitamin facilitates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which makes our gums and teeth more resistant to infections, like gingivitis. It is present in oily fish, cod liver oil, margarine, eggs, milk and other dairy products.
Vitamin E
This vitamin is used by dentists to treat various oral problems, in particular gums. The applying of Vitamin E oil in the affected zone, for example, it can alleviate pain and improve the aspect of damaged gums.
It has been confirmed that Vitamin E can combat bacteria and stimulate our immune system. When tartar begins to appear in the upper part of our teeth it can cause a separation between the root and the gums. This is where bacteria will start to appear. The application of Vitamin E helps to contain the inflamation and directly helps to prevent gingivitis and periodontal disease
Vitamin E can be found in foods like apples, broccoli, almonds, walnuts, chocolate, sunflower sedes, wheat germ and related oils.
A balanced diet rich in these vitamins can ensure a healthy mouth. If we add to this good oral hygiene and a frequent visit to our dentist, without a doubt our mouth will thank us.